
Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Few of my New Favorite Things...

It's been way too long since I've posted. But I'm going to change that! :) A few new posts coming at ya, rapid fire. :)
I wanted to share 3 things I've picked up recently that I really love!

1. Almond milk. Yes, really. 

I hate drinking milk straight, but I seriously love this. I was as skeptical as you probably are, but I went out and picked up some Blue Diamond Vanilla Almond Milk, and cannot get enough. :)
It is so creamy and vanilla-y. The two most popular excuses I hear for why people don't want to try a milk alternative are: "I grew up on 2%" and "I don't like drinking straight milk." Well, so did I and neither did I. But, I'm a believer because this stuff is delectable. Now let's talk nutrition.

                Almond Milk vs 2% Milk
Calories:          80          vs        122
Total Fat:        2.5 g       vs       4.8 g
Saturated Fat:    0 g       vs          3g
Cholesterol:     0mg        vs       20mg
Sugar:              13g        vs        13g
Protein:             1g         vs         8g

This was for the vanilla version. You can go for the unsweetened version, but I've tried it and am definitely not in love with it.
This milk keeps for a very long time, which is nice because my milk always goes bad right away!

Try it on your cereal, try it in your coffee, try it in a smoothie, or try drinking it straight. Just try it, already! :)

2. Fruitwater

This is a new drink by the makers of vitaminwater. I've only had it once, but I loved it! Sometimes the thing I crave most about pop/soda is the carbonation! This satisfies that for me, and the flavor was great. 
Disclaimer: I know it's called "fruit"water, but there's actually no fruit involved besides the taste. (Flavors: black raspberry, orange mango, strawberry kiwi, lemon lime and watermelon punch)
But, it's a great 0 calorie soda replacement when you just can't kick that carbonation craving! 
It has only been in stores since April 1st, and is still relatively hard to find. Keep your eyes open for it! Yum. :) 

3. Kickboxing

My new obsession! This class is not for the faint of heart. The particular class I go to is more intense than any boot camp class I've done. If you've ever done the insanity program, it's pretty up to par with that. I love it though. I'd encourage anyone to go out and find a class like this! In the few months I've been doing it, I've noticed my entire body has changed and my core is much stronger. Not to mention, it's a blast! :)

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